Mar 4, 2006

Managing Web Projects Part I

Just received a copy of J. Rodney Turner's newish book : Managing Web Projects (The Management of Large Projects and Programmes for Web-space Delivery).

I'm a fan of Turner. His handbook is, to me, a serious candidate for the title of the-only-project-management-book-you-need. It fails the criteria, of course. No single book will pass and I would consider it doubtful that any collection of 5 books will pass.

Amazon prices it at US$89.95. At 228 pages, it's likely to be priced beyond the willingness of many people interested in learning about managing web projects. How many other good books can you purchase with that cash?

I will be reading this book and reviewing it in these blog pages over the time I read it. I just borrowed my copy. Let's see if it's worth the price tag.

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