Showing posts with label Software Engineering. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Software Engineering. Show all posts

Aug 31, 2020

Software Development Tools

 A job ad for a software engineer listed the following tools. I'm not familiar with half of them (not even by name).  Writing down the list as I'm curious to do some digging and find out what each are:

  • Jenkiins (a continuous integration and deployment framework)
  • AWS Cloud
  • Azure
  • Splunk (for logging and metrics)
  • App Dynamics (for loggin and metrics)
  • ECS
  • Github
  • Artifactory
  • Kong
  • OAuth
  • Serverless technologies
  • Node.js
  • Automation
    • Ansible
    • Terraform
    • Python 
    • Java
    • Linux
    • CloudFormation
  • RDS
    • PostGresSQL
    • NoSQL
  • Angular
  • ReactJS
  • GIT
  • Spring Boot