Sep 6, 2020

I Have A Joke, But...

Inspired by, "I have a statistics joke, but it's not significant" (floating on the internet)...

I have a project management joke, but it's still in the concept phase.

I have a risk management joke, but there's no appetite for it.

I have a requirements analysis joke, but it's not functional.

I have a logistics management joke, but I can't deliver it properly.

I have a Scrum joke, but it's not empirical enough.

I have a Scrum joke, but we'll have to do a retrospective afterwards.

I have a Lean joke, but I never remember it just in time.

I have a Kanban joke, leave your card here and I'll tell it to you.

As an Agile proponent, I want to say I have a joke, so that people can get amused.

I have a systems thinking joke, but I have to say it with 30 others jokes before you'l get it.

I have an andon joke, but you have to stop me if I'm telling it the wrong way.

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