Sep 20, 2020

Business Requirements

In the field of systems development, we distinguish between different kinds of requirements, such as top level requirements, business requirements, user requirements, and system requirements. 

Business requirements refer to the overarching needs and constraints imposed by an organisation's stakeholders on the solutions to a problem. They delineate the range of acceptable solutions to the problem, but without going too much into the solution. User requirements in contrast dictate needs relating to how the solution will be operated, maintained, and used.

Some of the business requirements, in order to be met, will also generate user and system requirements (eg business requirements to meet policies relating to disability).

Business requirements can derive from organisational policies, strategies, business case, and a range of other sources.

Examples of business requirements are:

  • The solution must cost no more than $100m
  • The technology platform must be AWS (or Azure, or Google) - for example, because organisational policy requires that IT solutions use these platforms.
  • The solution must be fielded by 2nd quarter of 2025, to align with the strategy.
  • The solution must meet data privacy policies.
  • The solution must meet policies supporting users with disabilities.

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