Dec 2, 2012

Comparing the BABOK and the SEBOK, Part 3

Knowledge Areas are subject matters of core interest to a profession or discipline.  They are the sort of knowledge often required to live the profession.  In the medical profession, a knowledge area might include physiology, how the body functions.  For project managers, an example might be scope management.

Knowledge Areas

For the BABOK, Knowledge Areas:

define what a practitioner of business analysis needs to understand and the tasks a practitioner must be able to perform.

In other words, it is an area that a Business Analyst should have knowledge on.

For the SEBOK, Knowledge Areas:

are groupings of information with a related theme

The SEBOK is reluctant to assert that an SE must know about the Knowledge Areas (henceforth KAs), whereas the BABOK claims the KAs are what the BA ‘needs to understand’ and ‘able to perform’.  The difference in these scope will become evident as we look at the KAs listed by each of the BOKs.  We can now say that the BABOK KAs are far more modest in scope than the SEBOKs.

The BABOK Knowledge Areas

The BABOK lists seven KAs:

  1. Business Analysis Planning and Monitoring
  2. Elicitation
  3. Requirements Management and Communication
  4. Enterprise Analysis
  5. Requirements Analysis
  6. Solution Assessment and Validation
  7. Underlying Competencies

The BABOK KAs are closely related to skills.  One can develop ‘Business Analysis Planning and Monitoring’ skills, or ‘Elicitation’ skills.

The SEBOK Knowledge Areas

The SEBOK not only lists far more KAs than the BABOK, but the breadth and depth of the subject matter is in a different league.

The SEBOK KAs are divided into 5 Parts, each of which has KAs under it.  Here’s the full list of Parts and KAs under them:

  1. Part 2 – Systems
    1. Systems Fundamentals
    2. Systems Science
    3. Systems Thinking
    4. Representing Systems with Models
    5. Systems Approach Applied to Engineered Systems
  2. Part 3 – Systems Engineering and Management
    1. Life Cycle Models
    2. Concept Definition
    3. System Definition
    4. System Realization
    5. System Deployment and Use
    6. Systems Engineering Management
    7. Product and Service Life Management
    8. Systems Engineering Standard
  3. Part 4 - Applications of Systems Engineering
    1. Product Systems Engineering
    2. Service Systems Engineering
    3. Enterprise Systems Engineering
    4. System of Systems
  4. Part 5 – Enabling Systems Engineering
    1. Enabling Businesses and Enterprises
    2. Enabling Teams
    3. Enabling Individuals
  5. Part 6 – Related Disciplines
    1. Systems Engineering and Software Engineering
    2. Systems Engineering and Project Management
    3. Systems Engineering and Industrial Engineering
    4. Systems Engineering and Procurement / Acquisition
    5. Systems Engineering and Specialty Engineering

The SEBOK list of KAs is comprehensive, ranging from the abstract subject of Systems, down to performance assessment of individual SEs.

At a first approximation, it seems to me that the scope of the BABOK KAs fall within this subset of the SEBOK KAs

    1. Part 3 – Systems Engineering and Management
      1. Life Cycle Models
      2. Concept Definition
      3. System Definition
      4. System Realization
      5. System Deployment and Use

No surprise, SE is far more broad than BA if the KAs are to be the basis.  But that is not the main point of this series.  The key interest is where they overlap.   We will look more closely at these overlapping KAs in the next parts.

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