Sep 6, 2020

A Collection of Short Posts 1

 A collection of short posts I made on LinkedIn:

The MoSCoW priority labels coincidentally also describe Hitler’s and Napoleon’s changing attitudes toward capturing the eponymed city:

Must have it
Should have had it by now
Could have it still if only
Won’t have it.

* * * 

Not everything that matters can be measured
Not everything that can be measured matters

To twist JFK’s words:
Ask not what you can measure
Ask what measures can do for you

To badly paraphrase Einstein:
Everything that matters and can be measured must be measured, but no simpler


Carpe diem caveat – “Seize the day”, not “cease the day”. The intention may be the former; the result may be the latter.


Continuous improvement must seek to do two things: make existing processes better, and stop introducing new bad processes in the first place.


Remind your audience that THERE IS such a thing as a stupid question -- it’s the question you keep to yourself.


Lots of people talk about 'Systems Thinking'. What's the verb for doing systems thinking it? Shh... be quiet, I'm systems thinking!


If you believe that user stories are requirements, try calling them 'user requirements'.


What's the term to describe the opposite of scope creep -- when scope keeps getting reduced because we're running out of time or budget?


I Have A Joke, But...

Inspired by, "I have a statistics joke, but it's not significant" (floating on the internet)...

I have a project management joke, but it's still in the concept phase.

I have a risk management joke, but there's no appetite for it.

I have a requirements analysis joke, but it's not functional.

I have a logistics management joke, but I can't deliver it properly.

I have a Scrum joke, but it's not empirical enough.

I have a Scrum joke, but we'll have to do a retrospective afterwards.

I have a Lean joke, but I never remember it just in time.

I have a Kanban joke, leave your card here and I'll tell it to you.

As an Agile proponent, I want to say I have a joke, so that people can get amused.

I have a systems thinking joke, but I have to say it with 30 others jokes before you'l get it.

I have an andon joke, but you have to stop me if I'm telling it the wrong way.

Sep 5, 2020

Central Counterparties (Chapter 2)


(Part of my undertaking to read Chapter 2 of books in my library.)

This book was published in 2014, so there will be some contents that are out of date.  A lot of activity has occurred in the central counterparties regulatory world recently.

Many derivatives contracts, such as options, and futures, are traded on an exchange. In an exchange, derivatives contracts are standardised. Standardisation leads to efficiency and tradeability.

While originally, contracts where traded on an exchange where the exchange served merely as a witness, and not a counterparty to the trade.  If a trading party did not live up to the contract, the exchange would fine them or even expel them.

Only approved firms and individuals may trade in an exchange.

Exchanges facilitate margining and netting between trade counterparties, which reduce the magnitude of risk for each side.

There are 3 forms of clearing: direct clearing, ring clearing, and complete clearing. Direct clearing is where each party delivers their contract obligations to the other. If there are offsetting trades, often the practice is to just net the difference, a practice called "netting", or "payment of difference". Ring clearing is an expansion of direct clearing to more than two parties. The parties must agree to join the ring. If A must pay B, who must pay C, then C can receive the payment directly from A. The exchange itself is not a participant other than an enforcer of rules. A disadvantage of rings is that a quality counterparty may be replaced by one that has lower credit quality. Not everyone in the ring benefits. Complete clearing extends and improves the ring by placing the exchange as a central counterparty to all parties. A party no longer has to worry about the credit rating of their counterparty; the exchanges assumes the rights and responsibilites of the counterparty.

Of course, if an exchanges assumes the obligations of a party, it must protect itself from exposures arising from an insolvent party. Two ways to mitigate the exposure is through the practice of initial margins and variation margins.  In addition to margins, a method of loss sharing is also implemented. One practice is requiring all members to make share purchases.

There was resistance to this concept early one: firms with high quality rating felt they lost their advantage over lower quality firms because a firm's credit rating became irrelevant.  The counterparty service can be provided by the exchange, or be provided by another firm offering that service for the eschange.

All derivatives market clearing service became standardised and used central clearing until OTC's arrived on the scene.

To be continued...
