Nov 29, 2016

Old Thinking vs New Thinking (Old Thinking Redefined)

The diagram below (from the internet) makes “Old Thinking” sound evil. What if we redefine “Old Thinking” so it doesn’t sound so bad?

Old Vs New


  • Employees are biggest risk - we have the best employees; competitors might attract them; let's take care of ours
  • Top Down Communication - Ensure everyone is informed of the CEO's thinking and company's plans; no one is unimportant
  • Skill Over Behavior - our customers prefer reliable products and services over our friendly apologies
  • Manage Time - efficiency and productivity are key competitive competencies
  • Rigid Working Schedule - don't work over time, make time for your personal life
  • At Your Desk - we provide you with all you need and your own space
  • Work for the weekend - work hard, play hard. Complete your work for the week so you can enjoy your weekend
  • Corporate Jargon - precise terminology is clear and efficient; be scared when surgeons have the same vocabulary as litigation lawyers
  • Double standard - demand more from the experienced; be more tolerant of those learning the ropes
  • Fear of Failure - think things through; use risk management
    Enrich shareholders - they are the moms and pops who have invested their lifesaving with us for their retirement

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