Jun 11, 2011

The Product Owner in Scrum

What is the role of the Product Owner in Scrum? 

The product owner’s responsibility is to ensure that the product is developed and delivered in a manner that maximises the paying owner’s return on investment.  In Scrum, what this means is that the product owner must identify for the Team those product features that deliver the highest business value for money amongs the outstanding product features not yet delirvered.

There is the assumption that there will never be enough money to build every desired feature.  Therefore, the features need to be prioritised.

The Product Owner does not dictate to the Team the specific set of features they need to build in a Sprint.  

Specifically, the Product Owner does not tell the Team how many features they ought to build during a certain Sprint – that decision belongs to the Team alone.  The Product Owner’s main role is to inform the Team of the priorities, so that they don’t proceed to deliver lower value features over high value ones.  There can be exceptions - for example a lower value feature may be included in the Sprint over a higher value one because the higher value one is too big to be added to the current Sprint, while the lower values one is small enough to be added.

It is possible that the product owner is the customer, but he or she must never be the Scrum Master.

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