Jul 10, 2010

Tools and Techniques of Enterprise Risk Management, Part 1

I’m going to go through Robert Chapman’s ERM book.  Based on the table of contents, the first part of the book what ERM is. Part II is about ‘The Appointment’ or what I think is a discussion of the engagement process.  The table of contents covers topics about interviewing the client, preparing the proposal, and implementation (of what, I am not sure yet).

Part II covers the Risk Management Process.  It seems to be about a fairly standard process: Analysis of the Business, Risk Identification, Risk Assessment, Risk Planning, and Risk Management.

Part IV covers ‘Internal Influences’ which I think is about internally generated risks.  The table of contents says it covers Financial Risk Management, Operational Risk Management, and Technological Risk.

The final part covers ‘External Influences’ which seems like about risks generated externally.  It discusses Economic, Environmental, Legal, Political, Market, and Social risks.

Finally there are 14 short Appendixes which discuss techniques like SWOT, PEST, VRIO analysis, Change Management, among other topics.

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