Aug 17, 2009

System Operations Model

Every (man-made) system is intended to be deployed, operated, and eventually disposed of.  Having a common understanding of how the system is to be deployed, operated, and disposed helps avoid much miscommunication between the project team.

A System Operations Model is a high-level model of how a system is envisioned to be deployed, operated, and eventually, disposed.

It shows, in graphical terms (a SOM is typically diagrammed) the interrelationships among the different stages, gates, and operations:

  • System development
  • Entrance criteria (entrance into deployment)
  • System deployment
  • Performance of purpose (mission)
  • System maintenance
  • System reconfiguration
  • Phasing out
  • System disposal

Once we have built the SOM, it becomes the basis for further systematic elaboration into operations and tasks.

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