Feb 6, 2009

Some Notes on Consulting and Consultants

Some notes I jotted down while browsing a consulting text by Fiona Czerniawska.  Some of the thoughts are hers, some are mine. Useful considerations for risk consultants:

  • Consulting is about knowledge transfer from consultant to client.
  • When deciding which consultant to hire, companies look for enormous depth of knowledge in the areas their company is interested in.  General knowledge does not cut it.
  • Of all consultancies, process oriented ones are where executives are least impressed because the client and consultant level of expertise is not much different, and ‘consulting’ work is mostly facilitation.
  • Some (not all) consulting engagements are about solving a problem.
  • Some types of consulting services:
    • delivering a specific service
    • implementing a particular system
    • creating a successful solution
  • Firms hire consultants because they need the input but don’t want to replicate the skill.  They don’t need the skill in-house on a permanent basis.
  • Consultants provide new energy and momentum.
  • Consultants are hired as a source of best practice information not available in-house.
  • Consultants are also hired to provide championing of a sponsor’s project internally, something that sometimes is not possible from someone internal. 
  • The depth of knowledge required from a consultant is specialist knowledge.

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