General Negotiation
Adler, Bill. How to Negotiate like a Child: Unleash the Little Monster within to Get Everything You Want. 2006.
Asherman, Ira, and Sandy Asherman. The Negotiation Sourcebook. Amherst, MA: Human Resource Development, 1990.
Beasor, Tom. Great Negotiators: How the Most Successful Business Negotiators Think and Behave. 2006.
Billings-Yun, Melanie. Beyond Dealmaking: Five Steps to Negotiating Profitable Relationships. 2010.
Brams, Steven J. Negotiation Games: Applying Game Theory to Bargaining and Arbitration. New York: Routledge, 1990. Print.
Cohen, Herb. Negotiate This!: By Caring, but Not T-H-A-T Much. New York: Warner, 2003.
Cohen, Steven P. Negotiating Skills for Managers. New York: McGraw-Hill, 2002. Print.
Cohen, Steven P. Negotiate Your Way to Success: 24 Steps to Building Agreement. New York: McGraw-Hill, 2007. Print.
Dietmeyer, Brian J., and Rob Kaplan. Strategic Negotiation: A Breakthrough 4-step Process for Effective Business Negotiation. Chicago, IL: Dearborn Trade Pub., 2004.
Donaldson, Michael C. Fearless Negotiating: The Wish-want-walk Method to Reach Solutions That Work. New York: McGraw-Hill, 2007.
Evans, Eric. Mastering Negotiations: Key Skills in Ensuring Profitable and Successful Negotiations. London: Thorogood, 1998.
Fisher, Roger, William Ury, and Bruce Patton. Getting to Yes: Negotiating Agreement without Giving in. New York, NY: Penguin, 1991.
Kolb, Deborah M., Judith Williams, and Deborah M. Kolb. Everyday Negotiation: Navigating the Hidden Agendas in Bargaining. San Francisco, CA: Jossey-Bass, 2003.
Lax, David A., and James K. Sebenius. The Manager as Negotiator: Bargaining for Cooperation and Competitive Gain. New York: Free, 1986.
Fells, R. E. Effective Negotiation: From Research to Results. Cambridge [England: Cambridge UP, 2010.
The Harvard Business School Publishing Guide to Smart Negotiation. Boston, MA: Harvard Business School Pub., 2003.
Holden, Reed K. Negotiating with Backbone: Eight Sales Strategies to Defend Your Price and Value. 2012.
Karpov, Anatoly, Jean François. Phélizon, and Bachar Kouatly. Chess and the Art of Negotiation: Ancient Rules for Modern Combat. 2006.
Karrass, Chester Louis. "In Business as in Life-- You Don't Get What You Deserve You Get What You Negotiate" 1996.
Korobkin, Russell. Negotiation Theory and Strategy. 2002.
Lax, David A., and James K. Sebenius. 3-D Negotiation: Powerful Tools to Change the Game in Your Most Important Deals. 2006.
Lewicki, Roy J., Alexander Hiam, and Karen Olander. Think before You Speak: The Complete Guide to Strategic Negotiation. 1996.
Lewicki, Roy J., and Alexander Hiam. Mastering Business Negotiation: A Working Guide to Making Deals and Resolving Conflict. 2006.
Low, Patrick Kim Cheng. Successfully Negotiating in Asia. 2010.
Lum, Grande. The Negotiation Fieldbook: Simple Strategies to Help Negotiate Everything. 2005.
Mulholland, Joan. The Language of Negotiation: A Handbook of Practical Strategies for Improving Communication. 1991.
Nikolopoulos, Andreas. Negotiating Strategically: One versus All. Houndmills, Basingstoke, Hampshire: Palgrave Macmillan, 2011.
Oliver, David. How to Negotiate Effectively. London: Kogan Page, 2006.
Raiffa, Howard, John Richardson, and David Metcalfe. Negotiation Analysis: The Science and Art of Collaborative Decision Making. Cambridge, MA: Belknap of Harvard UP, 2002.
Saner, Raymond. The Expert Negotiator. 2008.
Thomas, Jim. Negotiate to Win: The 21 Rules for Successful Negotiation. 2005.
Watkins, Michael. Breakthrough Business Negotiation: A Toolbox for Managers. 2002.
Young, H. Peyton. Negotiation Analysis. 1991.
Interesting / Important Works Which I Don’t Have
Ross, George H. Trump-style Negotiation: Powerful Strategies and Tactics for Mastering Every Deal. Hoboken, NJ: John Wiley & Sons, 2006.
Ury, William. Getting past No: Negotiating with Difficult People. New York: Bantam, 1991.
Bazerman, Max H., and Margaret Ann. Neale. Negotiating Rationally. New York: Free, 1992.