Dec 21, 2020

Random thoughts

A dissertation that has typos has too many words.

A dissertation that has typos but makes sense nevertheless is not a dissertation worth writing.

If writing is a muscle that can be trained to improve one's writing, don't forget to train both the left and right parts of the brain, lest they grow uneven.

Oct 3, 2020

Manifesto for Agile Corporate Finance

Suppose that in 2001, seventeen corporate finance professionals came together at a ski lodge, and wrote a document called "Manifesto for Agile Corporate Finance", and one of the values promoted is "Cash on hand over receivables" (analogous to 'working software over comprehensive documentation).

How bizarre would it be if the values espoused in their manifesto then gets used as bedrock foundations for: the right way to build software, run projects, and a host of other activities unrelated to corporate finance?  

I also wonder if everyone would be calling it the "Agile Manifesto" for short, omitting the "for Corporate Finance", thus obscuring its intended domain.

It's "Manifesto for Agile Software Development"

Whenever someone refers to the "principles of Agile" and claims these principles are found in the Agile Manifesto, always remember the manifesto is called "Manifesto for Agile Software Development".

It's not "Manifesto for Agile Anything".  It's not "Manifesto for Agile Marketing".  It's not "Manifesto for Business Agility". It's not "Manifesto for Agile Project Management"

It's a manifesto for agile software development

The manifesto was written by software developers to promote better, faster, more enjoyable, higher quality software and software development experience.