Sep 9, 2020

Another Root of Evil

Premature allocation of requirements is the root of many system architecture evils.

(With a hat tip to Donald Knuth, who coined: "Premature optimization is the root of all evil.")


Sep 8, 2020

Si Senor, I think with an Accent

Actor Giancarlo Giannini delivers a memorable line in the movie "A Walk in the Clouds". Giannini plays Alberto Aragon, a Mexican father, very protective of his daughter.  He reminds a younger American man (played by Keanu Reeves): "Just because I talk with an accent doesn't mean I THINK with an accent!".

He's right, however, he's only partly right.  He does think with an accent -- WE ALL THINK WITH AN ACCENT. 

Our 'thinking accent' is formed by our age, base intelligence, education, cultural background, industry, personal experiences, personality, values, fears, intentions, and so many other factors.  It makes each one of us see and process things differently from others.


Sep 6, 2020

A Collection of Short Posts 2

 Short posts I made on LinkedIn

Do rewards motivate people to behave in the desired manner, or do they just attract people motivated by rewards?


Soldier pinned down by enemy fire: "Fire Control, this is Foxtrot. We need close air support now! Over."

Fire control reservist (who is a Business Analyst in civilian life): "Foxtrot, that's a solution, not a requirement. What do you REALLY NEED? Over"


If you fail to plan, plan to be agile.



If you like putting out fires you should be a firefighter.

If you like recovering after a fire you should be in disaster recovery.

If you like tallying up the cost of fires you should be in accounting.

If you like analysing tradeoffs between the risk of fire and cost of prevention you should be an analyst.

If you like preventing fires you should be in safety or quality.

If you like monitoring distant fires and where they are heading you should be in risk.

If you like playing with fire you should be a scientist.

If you like harnessing fire you should be a manager or engineer or entrepreneur.

If you like starting fires you are just an arsonist.


If you attended a course that teaches how to do better in IQ tests, and you did get higher scores afterwards, did your IQ get higher, or did you just learn how to do better in IQ tests?



