Aug 26, 2017

Post Excellence

When all the competition has achieved excellence, what is the next competitive arena?

Agile Diversity Manifesto

To accommodate the (irrational) demands for diversity that is proportional to the wider population, should the Agile Manifesto be rewritten by a new group more diverse than the original set of: 

  1. White 
  2. Middle-aged
  3. Men
  4. Software Developers

Aug 22, 2017

A Project is in the Eyes of the Beholder

A project is a project in the eyes of the beholder,  not an objective character of the undertaking, because the same undertaking can be routine to you, a little bit unique to me, and incredibly daunting to another.  Project management is designed to help you cope with undertakings that (to you) meet the criteria of a project.