Jan 17, 2012

Creativity is not normal

I am currently absorbing a book called “The Universal Traveler”, a book on creativity and problem solving using a (soft) systems approach.

The authors suggest that by definition, creativity is innovation, which is about coming up with something new.  Something new is something not normal but different.

“If you accept the fact that the goal of creativity is innovation, you should realize that creating something “new” is NOT NORMAL but DIFFERENT from normal, perhaps even ‘abnormal.”

Think about it. If people are immediately accepting of your ideas or your behaviour, then perhaps your ideas are not really that unique.

“If you believe you are behaving creatively and your behavior is readily accepted in normal society, one of two conditions is probable: either you have conditioned society to accept your abnormal actions or your input is really not as unique as it seems.”

You may come up with innovative ways of attacking a problem.  But is it really innovative, or is it just an idea already applied elsewhere (perhaps even by yourself).

Underwater weddings, wedding on rollercoasters, getting married while parachuting are all variations on a unique idea.  Whoever first thought of getting married differently from the norm gets the credit for creativity.  The rest are just extensions of the same basic idea; they are not innovations.

What is the point of creativity though?  Creativity for its own sake may be important for art, but where else?  For businesses certainly, it becomes important as a differentiator: new products and services. 

The iPhone is innovative. All the other look-alike smartphones are variations.  As we can see, innovation by itself does not guarantee commercial success.  While the iPhone may be the leading smartphone, the Samsungs and others are enjoying tremendous profits as well.

But to me the most important application of creativity is for meeting the challenges of new problems.

New problems, by definition, do not have a history of solutions that have been successfully applied against them (that would mean they are old problems, not new).   New problems require new solutions, something that have not been tried before.

And that is where creativity comes in: in the generation of new ideas.

Using PERT in MS Project 2010, Part 1

I want to investigate and write about how to use PERT effectively in MS Project.  But first I’ll do a review of the basics of PERT.

PERT was first developed within the United States Navy’s Polaris submarine program as a tool to help manage that very large, very complex, and unprecedented undertaking. 

The term stands for Program Evaluation Review Technique.  The focus of this management tool is on evaluating and forecasting the likely duration of a project.

Its distinguishing characteristic is recognising that project tasks are not deterministic: you cannot say with absolute confidence that task A will finish in 3 days, task B will finish in 5 days and so on. 

The reality is that task A might finish in 2 days if everything goes well, might finish in 3-4 days in most circumstances, but can potentially take 8 days if some problems arise.  So any project schedule crafted on the basis that A will take 3 days and B will take 5 days is simplistic, and is not based on reality.

To properly use PERT, you need to provide 3 duration estimates for each task in your network of activities:

  1. The optimistic duration (TOptimistic)
  2. The most likely duration (TMost Likely)
  3. The pessimistic duration (TPessimistic)

The optimistic duration is our estimate of how long a task will take if everything goes well.  If we have previous experience of finishing a similar task where everything went according to plan, we can use that historical basis for our estimate.

The most likely duration is our estimate of how long the task normally takes, given the normal disruptions of normal execution.

The pessimistic duration is our estimate of how long the task will take to complete if things just are not working out.  We can also use historical data if available. We’ll need to put an upper bound on this estimate because clearly there is no limit to the kinds of things that can go wrong, and we cannot include all of them in the estimate.  If the task was painting the exterior of a house, we might consider such things as the impact of rain suspending the work, or of one worker calling in sick, or even running out of paint and the accompanying delays of buying more paint. 

Once we have gathered the 3 durations, we use the following formula to come up with the most likely duration of the task:

TLikely = (TOptimistic + (4 * TMost Likely) + TPessimistic) / 6


TOptimistic 20 days
TMost Likely 25 days
TPessimistic 35 days


TLikely = (20 + (4 * 25) + 35) / 6 = 25.83 days

And we will use 25.83 days as our estimate for this task. 

We perform the above procedure for each task in the project network,  computing the TLikely duration for each.

Jan 10, 2012

Systems Engineering–Coping with Complexity

A readable introduction to Systems Engineering. 


Listed below are some of the books referenced by the above work.  This list is not necessarily complete (Sometimes, I list only those that interest me).  When there is a newer edition of a book than the one originally referenced, the link is to the newer version.  Items marked with a Star, are works I can recommend.

Title Author Remarks
Winning at New Products Robert G Cooper Amazon
Metrics and Case Studies for Evaluating Engineering Designs William L. Chapman, F. David Van Voorhees, A. Terry Bahill, Jay Alan Moody Amazon
StarThe Anatomy of Major Projects Peter Morris Amazon
Systems Thinking, Systems Practice Peter Checkland Amazon
Turn Signals are the Facial Expressions of Automobiles Donald Norman Amazon
21sr Century Jet – The Making of the Boeing 777 Karl Sabbagh Amazon
The Sources of Innovation Eric Von Hippel Amazon
Object-Oriented Software Engineering: A Use Case Driven Approach Ivar Jacobson Amazon
Star Principles of Software Engineering Management Tom Gilb Amazon
UML Distilled: Applying the Standard Object Modeling Language Martin Fowler, Kendall Scott Amazon
Real Time Structured Methods Keith Edwards Amazon
Object-Oriented Modeling and Design James Rumbaugh Amazon
Notes on the Synthesis of Form Christopher Alexander Amazon
The Rise and Fall of Strategic Planning Henry Mintzberg Amazon
StarNormal Accidents: Living with High Risk Technologies Charles Perrow Amazon
MANPRINT – An Approach to System Integration Booher Amazon
Value Analysis and Value Engineering Frederick Oughton Amazon
Invention by Design: How Engineers Get From Thought to Thing Henry Petroski Amazon
The House of Quality J. Hauser, D. Clausing Amazon
To Engineer is Human Henry Petroski Amazon
Product Development Performance Clark Amazon
Design Methods Christopher-Jones Amazon
StarSoftware Inspection Tom Gilb, Dorothy Graham Amazon
The New Rational Manager Kepner Amazon
StarAgainst the Gods: The Remarkable Story of Risk Peter Bernstein Amazon
The Sciences of the Artificial Herbert Simon Amazon
Managerial Economics Evan Douglas Amazon
Mastering the Dynamics of Innovation James Utterback Amazon
The Product Manager’s Handbook Linda Gorchels Amazon
Intellectual Capital Thomas Stewart Amazon
New Products: The Key Factors in Success Elko Kleinschmidt Amazon
Systems Engineering Guidebook: A Process for Developing Systems and Products James N. Martin Amazon
A Quantitative Approach to Software Management Kevin Pulford Amazon
Skunk Works Ben Rich Amazon
The New Organizational Wealth Svieby Amazon
StarPeopleware: Productive Projects and Teams Tom DeMarco, Tim Lister Amazon
A Methodology for Systems Engineering A. D. Hall Amazon
This is a classic.
The Fifth Discipline: The Art and Practice of the Learning Organization Peter Senge Amazon
Guns, Gems and Steel: The Fate of Human Society Jared Diamond Amazon
The Blind Watchmaker Richard Dawkins Amazon