A readable introduction to Systems Engineering.
Listed below are some of the books referenced by the above work. This list is not necessarily complete (Sometimes, I list only those that interest me). When there is a newer edition of a book than the one originally referenced, the link is to the newer version. Items marked with a , are works I can recommend.
Title | Author | Remarks |
Winning at New Products | Robert G Cooper | Amazon |
Metrics and Case Studies for Evaluating Engineering Designs | William L. Chapman, F. David Van Voorhees, A. Terry Bahill, Jay Alan Moody | Amazon |
The Anatomy of Major Projects | Peter Morris | Amazon |
Systems Thinking, Systems Practice | Peter Checkland | Amazon |
Turn Signals are the Facial Expressions of Automobiles | Donald Norman | Amazon |
21sr Century Jet – The Making of the Boeing 777 | Karl Sabbagh | Amazon |
The Sources of Innovation | Eric Von Hippel | Amazon |
Object-Oriented Software Engineering: A Use Case Driven Approach | Ivar Jacobson | Amazon |
Principles of Software Engineering Management | Tom Gilb | Amazon |
UML Distilled: Applying the Standard Object Modeling Language | Martin Fowler, Kendall Scott | Amazon |
Real Time Structured Methods | Keith Edwards | Amazon |
Object-Oriented Modeling and Design | James Rumbaugh | Amazon |
Notes on the Synthesis of Form | Christopher Alexander | Amazon |
The Rise and Fall of Strategic Planning | Henry Mintzberg | Amazon |
Normal Accidents: Living with High Risk Technologies | Charles Perrow | Amazon |
MANPRINT – An Approach to System Integration | Booher | Amazon |
Value Analysis and Value Engineering | Frederick Oughton | Amazon |
Invention by Design: How Engineers Get From Thought to Thing | Henry Petroski | Amazon |
The House of Quality | J. Hauser, D. Clausing | Amazon |
To Engineer is Human | Henry Petroski | Amazon |
Product Development Performance | Clark | Amazon |
Design Methods | Christopher-Jones | Amazon |
Software Inspection | Tom Gilb, Dorothy Graham | Amazon |
The New Rational Manager | Kepner | Amazon |
Against the Gods: The Remarkable Story of Risk | Peter Bernstein | Amazon |
The Sciences of the Artificial | Herbert Simon | Amazon |
Managerial Economics | Evan Douglas | Amazon |
Mastering the Dynamics of Innovation | James Utterback | Amazon |
The Product Manager’s Handbook | Linda Gorchels | Amazon |
Intellectual Capital | Thomas Stewart | Amazon |
New Products: The Key Factors in Success | Elko Kleinschmidt | Amazon |
Systems Engineering Guidebook: A Process for Developing Systems and Products | James N. Martin | Amazon |
A Quantitative Approach to Software Management | Kevin Pulford | Amazon |
Skunk Works | Ben Rich | Amazon |
The New Organizational Wealth | Svieby | Amazon |
Peopleware: Productive Projects and Teams | Tom DeMarco, Tim Lister | Amazon |
A Methodology for Systems Engineering | A. D. Hall | Amazon This is a classic. |
The Fifth Discipline: The Art and Practice of the Learning Organization | Peter Senge | Amazon |
Guns, Gems and Steel: The Fate of Human Society | Jared Diamond | Amazon |
The Blind Watchmaker | Richard Dawkins | Amazon |