Apr 13, 2010

7 Deadly Sins – Overconfidence

Massimo Piatelli-Palmarini writes in his deliciously written book “Inevitable Illusions” about the 7 deadly sins of our cognitive illusions.

His first sin is overconfidence. This is where we feel certain about our knowledge of something, but our knowledge does not really warrant such confidence.

He describes experiments where subjects are asked to answer questions and then rate how confident they are about each answer.  Experiments show that our confidence leads our knowledge.

We think we know something more than we really know.

The results of the experiments also bring about something sobering: we are most overconfident in areas we are more knowledgeable about.  That is, the difference between the level of our overconfidence and knowledge in these areas is bigger than the difference between our level of overconfidence and knowledge in other areas - hence we tend to make mistakes of overconfidence in our areas of expertise.

Apr 2, 2010

On Issues Versus Risks

Whenever you find yourself in an introductory presentation on risk management, you can expect to hear a question like: “What’s the difference between an issue and a risk?” The expected answer seems to be always: “A risk is something that may or may happen, while an issue is something that has already happened.” 

Correct enough, but this description falls short of conveying any relationship between the two.

Here’s one I coined, I like, and plan to use and re-use: “Issues are the risks you failed to manage, now come to haunt you.

The sentence makes clear that many of the issues that you face could have been mitigated if only you had done proper risk management.  The assertion is not always true of course.  Some issues just come from unpredictable circumstances, and no risk management is that perfect.  So surely,  there are exceptions, but the strong assertion of the sentence emphasises just that – that exceptions are the exception.

I believe I originally picked up this relationship from Bill Duncan.  A few years ago he quoted someone he knew who said that in a good risk management process, all the issues that arise will have been previously identified in the risk register.  So it’s not my original idea, but I like the “now come to haunt you” bit, which is mine.

Mar 4, 2010

Pinpointing the Risk

"It is important to correctly identify the cause from the risk", said the presenter of a risk management process overview.
I hadn't given much thought about the distinction between the two, and simply implicitly assumed that I know which is which.  But when I tried to articulate how to distinguish between the a cause and a risk, I felt stuck.  After all, they all seemed to be a chain of event/consequence.
Ignoring for the meantime that each event E can be a consequence of any number of events, and that E itself can cause any number of consequence, it is clear that from one point of view, an event E2 can be a consequence of an event E1.  Similarly event E3 can be a consequence of event E2.  So a specific event is both a cause and a consequence.
For example, let us suppose we are concerned about the risks our property is facing.
Risk: Fire
Cause: Faulty electrical wiring
Consequence: House burns down
In this case, we put "Fire" as a risk in our risk register.
But what about "Faulty electrical wiring"?  Isn't it a risk as well?
Risk: Faulty electrical wiring
Cause: substandard workmanship
Consequence: Fire, leading to house burning down.
So should Faulty electrical wiring then be in the risk register?
Kik Piney reminded me that it is essential to be clear first about the objectives when going about identifying risks.  Having just studied ISO 31000:2009, I am aware of the relationship between objectives and risk, but for some reason I left it out.  (I am not too sure about being clear first about objectives before going about identifying risks, because sometimes noticing potential areas where things can go wrong will actually help you know what your objectives are).
Now suppose we have decided that our objective is "to protect our property".  In this case, it is clear that the risk is fire:
Objective: Protect property
Risk: Fire
Risk: Repossession
Risk: loss of property due to plane falling on property
Risk: loss of property due to earthquake
"Faulty electrical wiring" is not a risk. Either the property has faulty wiring or it does not.
If the objective instead is 'Acquire a problem-free property', then 'faulty electrical wiring' is a risk.  The property we are considering to acquire 'may or may not' have this characteristic. 
Final point: always relate risks to objectives.  Nothing new here. Just a reminder.